The PLASIMO Global Model plugin calculates the densities of species and reaction rates as function of time, based on user-defined set of species and their properties, and reactions.

Features and model options
- Gas temperature and non-equilibrium kinetics
- Built-in Boltzmann solvers: BOLSIG+ and LoKI-B
- Dedicated models for two- and single- temperature plasmas
- Quasi-neutral and non-quasi neutral model
- Power density and reduced electric field based model
- Coupling with a plasma-surface module
- Initialization from previous run
- Parameterized series of runs

Input data
- User-defined set of species and reactions
- User-defined rate coefficients: constant, lookup table, from cross-sections, custom
- Direct use of electron-impact cross-sections from LXCat database

- Automatic construction of vibrational excitation, V-V and V-T reaction groups using scaling laws
- Convenient construction of series of related reactions from a template
- Easy way to account for additional sources or losses, such as wall processes or flow
Chemistry analysis tools

- Monitor the contribution of each reaction to the production or destruction of each species at run time
- Scroll back in time
- Quick visual feedback in the form of a reaction network graph with filtering options
- Create automatically reduced chemistries based on user-specified criteria

Read about the PLASIMO's Global Model application here: Global Model applications